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Direct Mail Services
Isn't it funny how every once in a while, a piece of mail will grab your attention? Somehow, it seems the sender knew exactly what you needed and when you needed it. Was that by mere chance, or was something else going on?
For example, let's assume that you watch your car mileage to determine when it's time for an oil change. You calculate that you can drive another week before taking the car in for service. A few days later you receive a postcard promoting a great special on oil changes. What lucky timing, right? Wrong! It wasn't luck. It was part of a carefully planned strategy to get your attention and prompt you to action when you're most likely to respond positively!
Wait! How would they know you were due for an oil change? It's not as mysterious as it seems. In fact, it's a simple, straightforward and scientific method to hitting a carefully defined target at just the right time.
You probably don't remember, but the first time you took your car in for service they collected a little information about you and your vehicle. Then a computer started tracking your service pattern and began calculating when your next oil change would likely be needed. When the "magic date" popped up, you were sent a special offer. Simple, yet scientific, and totally effective!
Maybe you're reading this and saying, "Wow, if my community had an ad agency, we could create a targeted direct mail campaign that would reach qualified prospects just when their leases are up for renewal! My property would stay at 100% occupancy all year long, and leasing apartments would be a breeze!"
You'll be relieved to hear that creating a direct mail piece that targets only qualified renters in your area is much simpler than you think! Other businesses have to consider consumer buying cycles, but not the apartment industry. Every 12 months a renter is going to sign a new lease, and it's either going to be with you or one of your comps.
Fortunately, you don't need a big ad agency or a $20,000 marketing budget to pull in those leases. Apartment Postcards can handle everything you need. We have monthly direct mail campaigns starting as low as $800 per month and one-time direct mail starting at $1,125. Let me tell you how we do it!
When Apartment Postcards begins working on a targeted direct mail piece for your community, we don't just pick a zip code and start mailing away. Instead, we ask you to identify those nearby communities that rent specifically to the type of renters you want to target. The list that we'll create for your community will include only pre-qualified prospects that will be making leasing decisions within the next 11 months. That means your direct mail program puts your property at the center of their attention at just the right time!
In addition to your one-of-a-kind mailing list, we'll create a beautiful direct mail postcard showcasing your community and all its attractive amenities. Want to see a different design? No problem; we'll get started on another one right away. Want to make a color change? Again, no problem. Need photo touch up? We can handle that. Need stock photos? We have a ton! And, the best part about working with Apartment Postcards is that all of the above services are FREE! We believe in satisfied clients and NO HIDDEN CHARGES!
So, what are you waiting for? Over 33% of renters in your area have leases expiring in less than 4 months. Stop wasting your advertising dollars on unqualified prospects, and start leasing units today! Apartment Postcards knows how to get you leases fast...and we never let our clients down!
Give us a call at 1-800-973-3317 today!